Staff Members

Dr. Pedro Rosa-Neto, MD, PhD
Director, McGill University Research Centre for Studies in AgingTo learn more about Dr. Rosa-Neto, please click the button below.

Dr. Serge Gauthier, C.M., C.Q., MD, FRCPC
Director, Alzheimer Disease Research Unit McGill University Research Centre for Studies in AgingTo learn more about Dr. Gauthier, please click the button below.

Dr. Paolo Vitali MD, PhD, FRCPC
Neurologist, Alzheimer Disease Research Unit McGill University Research Centre for Studies in AgingTo learn more about Dr. Vitali, please click the button below.

Dr. Maiya R. Geddes, MD, FRCPC
Behavioural Neurologist, Alzheimer Disease Research UnitSample DescriptionAt the McGill University Research Center for Studies in Aging, Dr. Geddes sees patients in behavioural neurology and leads a research lab at the The Montreal Neurological Institute & Hospital. The focus of Dr. Geddes' research is to understand the interaction between motivation and cognition in human aging.

DR. Simon Ducharme, MD, MSc, FRCP (C)
Neuropsychiatrist, Alzheimer Disease Research Unit McGill University Research Centre for Studies in AgingDr. Ducharme is a Neuropsychiatrist and a clinician-scientist at the Douglas Mental Health University Institute and The Neuro (MNI). He is specialized in frontotemporal dementia, and the interface between psychiatric disorders and dementia. His research program uses advanced neuroimaging techniques to develop diagnostic biomarkers for frontotemporal dementia. Dr. Ducharme holds a Junior 2 clinician-scientist award from the FRQS and his research projects are funded by the CIHR, Weston Brain Institute, JPND, Medteq and Prompt-AI. He is in charge of several innovative clinical trials on dementia at The Neuro and the Douglas, and he is the author of over 70 scientific articles and 7 book chapters. Dr. Ducharme is the director of the McGill Division of Geriatric Psychiatry & Neuropsychiatry and the director of the American Neuropsychiatric Association committee on research. He is the leader of the FTD Team of the Canadian Consortium for Neurodegneration and Aging.

Dr. Gleb Bezgin, PhD
Dr. Bezgin is working on neuroinformatics aspects of various projects. He develops new methodologies for multimodal neuroscience data (MRI, PET, EEG, animal models) involving machine learning and computational approaches, aiming at better diagnostic, cognitive and behavioural prediction.

Laura Robb, MSc, CGC (Certified Genetic Counsellor)
Genetic Counsellor, Alzheimer Disease Research Unit McGill University Research Centre for Studies in AgingLaura Robb obtained her Master’s degree in Genetic Counselling at Sarah Lawrence College in New York and has worked in various areas of the medical milieu. Her genetic work experience includes clinical and research contributions in paediatrics, infertility, prenatal, laboratory, adult onset conditions including hereditary cancer, cardiac and Alzheimer disease, as well as health care technology and service evaluation. Laura’s role at the McGill Centre for Studies in Aging includes contacting families to assess their risk of hereditary types of dementia, informing them of implications for themselves and guiding them towards appropriate medical follow-up.

Dr. Simon Cloutier, PhD
Neuropsychologist McGill University Research Centre for Studies in Aging
Silvana Aguzzi
Administrative Assistant McGill University Research Centre for Studies in AgingEmail:

Tamar Tatigian
Medical Secretary, Alzheimer Disease Research Unit McGill University Research Centre for Studies in AgingEmail:

Alexandra Triantafillopoulos
Development & Donation Office McGill University Research Centre for Studies in AgingEmail:

Mallery Landry
Receptionist/Secretary, McGill University Research Centre for Studies in Aging.Mallery Landry is a student doing a Certificate in Gerontology at the University of Laval and a Certificate in Social Work at the University of Sherbrooke. She has been providing support to patients, the clinical and research team since 2017. During the pandemic, she has been involved with the Alzheimer Society of the Eastern Townships, where she provides cognitive activities in patient's homes in order to break isolation and stimulate residual abilities. She hopes that her studies and experience will have a positive impact on the quality of life of seniors, and more specifically, on all those with major neurocognitive disorders.

Sulantha Mathotaarachchi
Scientific Software Engineer