The work of MCSA scientists is recognized by their peers internationally. MCSA discoveries frequently make headlines and the covers of prominent publications.
The 2019 MCSA Lifetime Achievement Award
Dr. Dolly Dastoor
The 2019 MCSA Lifetime Achievement Award was awarded to Dr. Dolly Dastoor for her work in Dementia Care since 1973 when she joined the Douglas Hospital Geriatric Services as a clinical psychologist. She became involved with Alzheimer Research and was one of the founders of the Alzheimer Society of Montreal and then its President and later the Vice-President of the Alzheimer Society of Canada. She developed with Dr. Martin Cole, the Hierarchic Dementia Scale (HDS), and her 1998 Ph.D thesis was on Rate and Predictors of Decline in Dementia of the Alzheimer Type as measured by the HDS.
She was instrumental in developing at Douglas Hospital, the first in Quebec, The Program in Dementia with Psychiatric Co-morbidity which provided a continuum of care model with a Day Centre, Memory Clinic and an 18 bed unit. Dolly was the Clinical Administrator of this program from 1998 until her retirement in 2013.
A present, she is Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at McGill University and is the chair of the Education Committee of the McGill University Research Centre for Studies in Aging.

2019 MCSA Service Award

Tamar Tatigian
Mrs. Tatigian is the Medical Secretary at the McGill University Research Centre for Studies in Aging (MCSA) for the past 28 years. During the awards ceremony, she received the 2019 MCSA Service Award. Awarded by Dr. Pedro Rosa-Neto, Dr. Serge Gauthier, and Dr. Paolo Vitali, this award recognized Tamar’s decades-long devoted service to the growth and success of MCSA. Tamar considers it a high privilege to work with the outstanding and diverse MCSA staff.
MCSA Achievement Award
1st Award
Dr. Pedro Rosa-Neto, MD, PhD
Dr. Howard Chertkow, MD, FRCPC, FCAHS
Dr. Serge Gauthier, C.M., C.Q., MD, FRCPC
The first award was presented to Dr. Howard Chertkow, MD, FRCPC, FCAHS in recognition of his leadership of the Canadian Consortium of Neurodegeneration in Aging (CCNA) and his contributions to the field of cognitive decline with aging as a whole.
4th Award
Silvana Aguzzi
The last award was given to Silvana Aguzzi, Administrative Assistant of the MCSA, for her outstanding contributions to MCSA’s outreach program.

2nd and 3rd
Rick Hiatt, President and CEO of Cerveau Technologies, Inc. and CEO of Enigma Biomedical Group, Inc.
Lee Gibbs, president of Enigma Biomedical Group, Inc.
For the establishment of the Dr. Serge Gauthier Fellowship Award and for their generous contributions to MCSA’s research infrastructure on aging.
Laura Chalk Rwoles Lectureship in Dementia Award
Dr. William E. Klunk, MD, PhD
Dr. William E. Klunk, MD, PhD is Director of the Laboratory of Molecular Neuropharmacology and Co-Director of the Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center at Pittsburgh University. professor Klunk is one of the world’s leading experts in the early detection of Alzheimer’s Disease and is a pioneer in the field of in vivo amyloid imaging in humans.
Dr. S. Gauthier presented the 1st Laura Chalk Rowles Lectureship in Dementia Award, to Dr. William E. Klunk on October 15, 2018, in recognition of his outstanding contributions in the field of imaging dementias.

Here is a partial list of honors conferred upon core scientists at the McGill Centre for Studies in Aging:
- Order of Quebec
2017 – Dr. S. Gauthier - Member de l’Ordre du Canada (C.M.)
2014 – Dr. S. Gauthier - Médaille du Jubilé de diamant de la reine Elizabeth II
2013 – Dr. S. Gauthier - Prix Hubert Reeves
de l’Association des communicateurs scientifiques du Québec pour la valorization d’ouvrages scientifiques grand public, avec Dr. J. Poirier
2012 – Dr. S. Gauthier - IAAGG’s Global Aging Research Network (GARN) Membership
The McGill Center for Studies in Aging was awarded membership.
2012 – Dr. S. Gauthier - Chercheur Nationaux,
Fonds de la Recherche en Sante du Quebec (FRSQ)
2011 – Dr. J. Pruessner - Young Investigator Award,
Canadian College of Neuropsychopharmacology (CCNP)
2009 – Dr. J. Pruessner - Irma Parhad Award,
Consortium of Canadian Centers for Clinical Cognitive Research
2009 – Dr. S. Gauthier - Prix d’excellence,
Collège Royal des Médecins et Chirurgiens du Canada
2009 – Dr. S. Gauthier - Curt Richter Young Investigator Award,
International Society of Psychoneuroendocrinology (ISPNE)
2008 – Dr. J. Pruessner - Young Investigator Award,
Alzheimer’s Association US
2008 – Dr. P. Rosa-Neto - Elected member of “Best Doctors”,
North America
2007 – Dr. S. Gauthier - Life Ambassadeur,
Palais des Congrès de Montréal
2006 – Dr. S. Gauthier - Life Achievement Award,
Association des Médecins de Langue Française
2005 – Dr. S. Gauthier - Wilder Penfield Award, Province of Québec,
Minister of Education
2004 – Dr. Remi Quirion - Knight, Order of Merit, Province of Québec,
Premier of Québec
2004 – Dr. Judes Poirier - CIHR Senior Scientist Career Award,
Canadian Institute of Health Research / Institute on Aging
2003 – Dr. Judes Porier - CIHR Senior Scientist Career Award,
Canadian Institute of Health Research / Institute on Aging
2002 – Dr. S. Gauthier - AstraZeneca Research Award,
AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals
2001 – Dr. Judes Poirier