Education Committee
The Education Committee of the McGill University Research Centre for Studies in Aging (MCSA) was established in 1996. The Committee’s objectives are:
- Identifying education needs of health care providers, seniors, caregivers, the public; and developing responses to meet some of these needs.
- Enhancing the image of the aging process by addressing stereotypes and myths about aging.
- Dissemination of research on aging.

Dr. Pedro Rosa-Neto, MD, PhD
Director, McGill University Research Centre for Studies in AgingDirector, McGill University Research Centre for Studies on Aging, Director of the TNL, professor of Neurology & Neurosurgery and Psychiatry at McGill University, affiliated with the Douglas Research Centre Dr. Rosa-Neto is a clinical neurologist with expertise in quantification of brain functions using imaging techniques, in particular, Positron Emission Tomography (PET).

Dr. Serge Gauthier, C.M., C.Q., MD, FRCPC
Director, Alzheimer Disease Research UnitClinical investigator and staff neurologist at the Montreal Neurological Hospital and Institute (1976-1986), Director of the McGill Centre for Studies in Aging (1986-1996), Senior Scientist of the CIHR-Rx&D program (1997-2007). Currently Professor in the Departments of Neurology & Neurosurgery, Psychiatry, Medicine, at McGill University, and Director of the Alzheimer Disease and Related Disorders Research Unit of the McGill University Research Centre for Studies in Aging, Douglas Mental Health University Institute.

Dr. Paolo Vitali MD, PhD, FRCPC
Neurologist, Alzheimer Disease Research Unit McGill University Research Centre for Studies in AgingDr Paolo Vitali is a board certified neurologist (FRCPC) and neuropsychologist. He is neurologist at the CIUSSS Nord-de-l’Île-de-Montréal and at McGill University Research Centre for Studies in Aging. . Dr. Vitali is currently involved in the assessment and follow-up of patients presenting with neurodegenerative diseases, especially atypical dementia presenting with language impairments.

Dr. Dolly Dastoor, PhD
Dr. Dastoor, recently retired as Clinical-administrative Chief, of the Program in Dementia with Psychiatric Co morbidity, Douglas Mental Health University Institute, is Assistant Professor in Psychiatry, McGill University, and is the Chair of the Education Committee, of the McGill University Research Centre for Studies in Aging, McGill University. She specialized in the assessment of dementia, especially Alzheimer’s, and has developed an assessment tool for the prognosis of this disease. Dr. Dastoor was President of the Alzheimer Society of Montreal from 1986 to 1991.

Dr. Loraine Mazzella-Maiolo, MD
Dr. Loraine Mazzella-Maiolo is a Family Physician in Montreal. She is a medical adviser member of the Education Committee of the McGill University Research Centre for Studies in Aging. She is Associate Professor of McGill University in Family Medicine. Among her activities, she is Physician at Centre D’Hebergement Henri-Bradet, Richardson Hospital, Manoir Claudette Barré and has extensive geriatric expertise.

Dr. Michael Wiseman, DDS
A 1985 McGill Dentistry graduate, Dr. Michael Wiseman is an assistant professor in the Faculty. He is a Fellow of the American Board of Special Care Dentistry, a Diplomat of the American Board of Special Care Dentistry, and a Member of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh in Special Needs Dentistry.

Maria Maiolo, RN
Executive Director Italian-Canadian Community Services of Quebec (ICCSQ) - Services Communautaires Canadiens-Italiens du Québec Inc. (SCCIQ). Born in Montreal of Italian Immigrant parents, nursing career spanning over 25 years, first at the Montreal Children’s Hospital in the ENT and Burn Unit, then at the Centre d’Accueil Dante and Centre de Jour Dante, affiliated with Santa Cabrini Hospital. Mrs. Maiolo has been in the position of Executive Director of the ICCSQ, a non-profit charitable community organization since 2005.

Teresa E. Anuza, B.A., M.A. – Cognitive Psychology
Alzheimer Society of MontrealWith a professional background that encompasses the development of social and community projects in both the public and private sector, Teresa Anuza is currently responsible for the content and analysis of conferences and trainings for Educational Services at the Alzheimer Society of Montreal. She has been responsible for conferences developed to be presented to caregivers of people living with dementia, the public and for institutes of higher learning. Ms. Anuza has also developed and delivered a series of training workshops for the professional health care community. She has represented the Society on numerous occasions at professional speaking engagements and community and media events. Ms. Anuza has been associated with the Alzheimer Society of Montreal for close to a decade, in a variety of roles, using her experience as a counsellor, coordinator and trainer.

Meghan Williams, MSW
Director of Support Services, AGIMeghan Williams has been working at Alzheimer Groupe (AGI) for 13 years. After completing her Master of Social Work at McGill University, she began working at AGI as a counsellor providing support to families, facilitating support groups and training to professionals. Now in her role as Director of Support Services, Meghan is responsible for ensuring that AGI programs continue to respond to the needs of families and individuals with a diagnosis of dementia.

Silvana Aguzzi
Administrative Assistant McGill University Research Centre for Studies in AgingEmail:

Tamar Tatigian
Medical Secretary, Alzheimer Disease Research Unit McGill University Research Centre for Studies in AgingEmail:

Alexandra Triantafillopoulos
Development & Donation Office McGill University Research Centre for Studies in AgingEmail: