The McGill University Research Centre for Studies in Aging Education Committee, in collaboration with Alzheimer
Society Montreal and Alzheimer Groupe Inc., hosted a Symposium in honor of “International Seniors Day”, on
October 5, 2018. Over 130 participants, staff members and kiosk representatives attended our Symposium
entitled: “Aging in the 21 st Century.”
Dr. Dolly Dastoor, Chair of the MCSA Education Committee had the pleasure of introducing our keynote speaker
Mr. Patrick Murphy-Lavallée: currently the Director of the Support for Elderly Autonomy Program Seniors at the
Montreal West Island IUHSSC, has for the past 25 years, strived to improve the quality of services and their
integration, particularly for the most vulnerable clients of the health and social services network.
Four lectures were presented, which focused on positive aspects of aging and 11 kiosks displayed their services as
well as provided valuable information and resources to all participants.
Mr. Patrick Murphy –Lavallée
Welcome Note
Dr. Serge Gauthier, C.M., C.Q., MD, FRCPC
“Status of Research on Prevention and Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease.”
Dr. Nathalie Bier, Ph.D, OT
“Home Care for Older People with Cognitive Impairment: What is the Potential of New Technologies.”
Dr. Patricia Belchior, Ph.D, OT (c)
“Engaging your Brain: An Occupational – Based Approach for Healthy Aging.”
Dr. Marc Roig, Ph. D
“Exercise and Memory: Timing Matters.”
Camille N. Isaacs-Morell, BA, MBA, Executive Director, Alzheimer Society of Montreal, Dr. D. Dastoor, PhD, Dr. S. Gauthier, C.M., C.Q., MD, FRCPC, Dr. M. Wiseman, DDS, Linda Israel, Executive Director, AGI Alzheimer Groupe Inc., Mr. Patrick Murphy-Lavallée, Dr. L. Mazzella-Maiolo, MD, FRCPC, S. Aguzzi, MCSA Administrative Assistant, Maria Maiolo, RN, Alexandra Triantafillopoulos, MCSA Business Development

“Status of Research on Prevention and Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease.”

“Home Care for Older People with Cognitive Impairment: What is the Potential of New Technologies.”

“Engaging your Brain: An Occupational – Based Approach for Healthy Aging.”

“Exercise and Memory: Timing Matters.”
